We have a variety of children's and adult Sunday school classes that meet before Sunday morning service. Attending one of these classes is a great way to meet other members and get involved.


Sunday School classes begin at 9:45am every Sunday morning. 

Ages 5 thru 6
Tabitha Cole & Angela Neubauer - Teaching Bible stories
(Sunday School wing)

Ages 6 thru 12
Various teachers - curriculum varies by season.
(Sunday School wing)

6th thru 12th grade
Pastor Josh Brooks - curriculum varies.
(Youth Building)

Adult Classes

Mixed Class
Will Cole - curriculum varies
(Fellowship Hall)

Ladies' Class
Kay Grindall - Teaching Biblical lessons from a woman's perspective
(Large room at the base of the stairs)

Men's Class
Dick Grindall - Teaching Biblical lessons from a man's perspective
(Left Modular)